The second meeting of the transnational cooperation project “Craft Lab – Residences on the way from products to the Adri – Jonian design“ will take place in Bari at Fiera del Levante on December, 18th 2018, from 9.30 am to 5pm.
The main purpose of this meeting is to discuss with partners the progress of the project, in particular regarding the realization of the first project outputs. With reference to this, partners will briefly introduce the analysis of handcraft sectors together with the identified territorial skills (business angels, craft traditions, ancient techniques) carried for the Programme territory. Besides this, Lead partner will present to the partners the Call devoted to artists scouting and selection of 60 young artists or student groups (19 – 35 years old) for training laboratories. Upon completion of the discussion, the partners will approve the final version to be published in the following weeks. Finally, in occasion of the 2nd meeting partners will agree on further steps important for the implementation of the project activities.
Pino Pascali Foundation is the Lead Partner of the Project; then CRAFT LAB counts two Italian partners, C.N.A. National Confederation of Crafts and small and medium-sized enterprises Bari and Apulia Region – Department of economic development, education, training and employment, and two Greek partners, the Regional Union of the Municipalities of the Ionian Islands and the Chamber of Lefkada. Associated partner is the Municipal Gallery of Corfu.
The CRAFT LAB project, funded within “Axis 1-Innovation and competitiveness” of the INTERREG Greece-Italy Programme, intends to promote entrepreneurial spirit in the young and creation of start-up through the re-discovery of ancient professions and crafts in the fields of ceramics, mosaics and fabrics, giving value to the common artistic heritage and cultural identity of Puglia and Greece.
Communication Officer – Pino Pascali Foundation
Santa Nastro +39 3928928522 press@museopinopascali.it
Puglia Region – Joint Secretariat Communication Officer
Carmela Sfregola +39 3493916007 c.sfregola@greece-italy.eu; press@greece-italy.euwww.greece-italy.eu